Exhibition Catalogue
minä perhonen / minagawa akira TSUZUKU
The official exhibition catalogue will include photos of the venue and will be delivered as it is in the atmosphere of the exhibition.
In addition to the regular version cover, 10 types of limited covers are available and sold at the venue.
Authorminä perhonen / Akira Minagawa
Book DesignKaoru Kasai
PhotographYoshihiko Ueda / Mikiya Takimoto / Yayoi Arimoto and more
Cross TalkYoshifumi Nakamura(Architect) × Akira Minagawa
/ Tsuyoshi Tane(Architect) × Akira Minagawa
EssayChika Mori (Curator / Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo)
※At the venue, you can purchase up to 1 book per person for both the regular version and the limited cover (up to 9 books).
※The regular version is also sold at general bookstores.
※The quantity of limited covers is limited.
- fogland
- jardin
- merry-go-round
- enfants terribles
- symphony
- pot-au-feu
- metsä
- anemone
- triathlon *Sold from Fukuoka venue
- tambourine *Normal Edition
- choucho *Sold from Aomori venue